Troubleshoot & FAq

This page includes some Frequently Asked Questions on how to use the fundraising platform.
If you are having difficulties with the platform, check out this page, If problems persist after this page, contact us or your fundraising leadership and we can assist you.

“i’m a participant in a fundraiser. What do i do?”

The first step is to find your cheat sheet. The head of your fundraising organization has a cheat sheet with specific details on how to place orders. This cheat sheet should have been forwarded to you by the head of your fundraising organization. If you have not received your cheat sheet, please contact your fundraising organization.

Next, follow the step-by-step instructions on the cheat sheet. Enter the store’s URL into your web browser and input your store’s password. You should now see the store page.

Once in your organization’s store, tally up the total number of each product on your order form, and add the items to your cart. Once you are ready to check out, head to the checkout cart and input your contact information. Don’t worry, no payment is being processed online! Once all the details are correct, submit your order!

“I log in, and I’m stuck on a dashboard page. What do i do?”

The only way to access your fundraiser’s store is to use the exact shop URL given to you on your cheat sheet. If you are on the dashboard page, you cannot access your shop by clicking around the website. You must type in the shop URL as it was delivered to you, and you should then be prompted to input your store’s password.

“I Placed an order, now what?”

Now we wait for your fundraiser to finish! You should have gotten a confirmation email from your order. Contact your organization to find how they prefer to be paid, and transfer payment to them. Once we deliver all of your organization’s orders to them, they will distribute your order back to you.

For any additional questions,
please contact your fundraising organization.